I speak at events and facilitate workshops on a variety of engaging topics related to Metabolic Balance®, perimenopause, and menopause. 

Empowerment through knowledge 

I inspire and educate women who are experiencing discomfort, confusion, and chaos in their bodies – symptoms that leak into other areas of their lives and impact their energy and confidence. 

Working with groups, in person and virtually, is a wonderful opportunity to share, get support, and create solutions together. I focus my workshops on a core intention and create a group process and trusting atmosphere that facilitates transformative learning and camaraderie. Some of the topics I speak about are metabolism, menopause, adrenal fatigue, immunity and supplementation.


I have spoken on navigating perimenopause and menopause, taught simple ways to improve nutrition, discussed mental health and body awareness, addressed current knowledge gaps in women’s health, spoken very personally on self-care and sacrificing our well being for others, and offered pathways to advocate for our health outcomes as women. I love speaking on topics that are enlightening, hopeful, and empower women to take action and truly love themselves.

Webinars and Conferences

Retreats offer a special, sacred space where women gather with open minds and hearts. I love leading conversations and group sessions where we get in better touch with our bodies, our underlying beliefs about ourselves, and how we see food, health, and wellness. Women walk away from my retreat sessions feeling more connected to their bodies, and more connected with other people. We are not alone, and transformation begins with support.



“Penny is a warm, enthusiastic, knowledgeable presenter who shares her enthusiasm for healthy living with those around her. She has helped to inspire, encourage and inform her fellow R.H.N.s/C.H.N.C.s in various Alumni presentations and we feel confident she would do the same for any audience she presents to. 

Penny is an active and much-valued member of our Alumni Association who we are happy to recommend.”

 E.L.& M.W. - Canadian School of Natural Nutrition Alumni Association

“Penny is an eloquent and poised, yet funny and relatable speaker. Her knowledge, experience, and passion in her field is incredible and her drive to help women improve their health is undeniable.”

R.L. - Founder of the Ignite Women’s Conference Series

Let's Connect

If you are interested in having me speak at your upcoming event, please book a call with me! I look forward to meeting you.

book with me

Photography by laurie macbrown | COPYWRITING BY BRITTANY VEENHUYSEN | Website Design by SOCIAL ESTATES

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"Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food"
